Mole - Oblomov - Universe 25

Between 1960 and 1970, ethologist John Calhoun constructed what he called a “mouse utopia”, a specially designed space where rodents could obtain abundant food and water, as well as a sufficiently large living space.

At first, he placed four pairs of mice that began to reproduce in a short amount of time, which led to rapid growth in their numbers. However, after 315 days, their reproduction began to decrease significantly. When the number of rodents reached 600, a hierarchy formed among them, and so-called “miserable” individuals emerged. Larger rodents began attacking the group, and many males began to experience psychological “collapse”.

Over time, the females exhibited increasingly aggressive behavior, became isolated, and turned aggressive towards their offspring, while no longer experiencing any reproductive needs. Birth rates were low, while mortality among young rodents increased.

Then, a new class of male rodents emerged, the so-called “Beautiful ones”. They refused to mate with females or “fight” for their space, They only cared about eating and sleeping, and they were well-groomed and beautiful. Graudually, the “Beautiful ones” became the majority of the group. Juvenil moraly reached 100%, and reproduction fell to zero.

Eventually, all the mice died.


起初,他放置了四对老鼠,很快这些老鼠就开始繁殖,这导致它们的数量迅速增长。然而,在315 天后,它们的繁殖数量开始显著减少。当老鼠数量达到 600只时,它们之间形成了等级制度,一些所谓的“环蛋” 出现了。较大的老鼠开始攻击集体,许多雄性老鼠开始在心理上崩溃。随着时间的推移,雄性老鼠表现出越来越具有攻击性的行为,它们将自己隔离开来,对后代变得具有攻击性,并不再有任何繁殖需求。出生率很低,而年轻老鼠的死亡率却增加了。

随后,一类新的雄性老鼠出现了,它们被称为“美丽鼠”。它们拒绝与新的雌性老鼠交配或为他们的领地“战斗”,他们只关心吃和睡,非常整洁漂亮。逐渐的,“美丽鼠”占据了群体中的大多数,幼鼠死亡率达到 100%,繁殖率下降至零。
